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CAG aims to do survey during annual meeting. CAG also aim to do multi-centre surveys to know about common clinical practice and pitfalls.

Please contact us if you have any interesting plan to conduct survey with CAG.

Survey questionnaire is a quantitative type of research method. CAG conduct surveys during April colorectal meeting since 2015.

Writing different questions, constructing good questions (e.g. easy language, easy understanding etc) and piloting are important steps to consider (Creswell; 2012). We design survey forms considering several steps suggested by (Williams, 2013)

  1. Define your research question and study population.
  2. Decide how the questionnaire will be administered
  3. Formulate questions
  4. Formulate the responses
  5. Design the layout
  6. Pre-pilot the questions and layout
  7. Pilot study – test validity, reliability, acceptability
  8. Design coding scheme (if necessary).
  9. Web based or print questionnaire.

All steps are important particularly piloting and testing validity and reliability and acceptability.

Creswell, J. W. (2012). Chapter 12 Survey designs In Educational research: Planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative. 4thedition  Boston:  Pearson

Williams, A. (2003). How to write and analyse a questionnaire. Journal of orthodontics, 30(3), 245-252